Quick Unit Converter

by Appsooze LLC



Quick Unit ConverterUse this Conversion Calculator to convert between commonly used units. Select the current unit in the left column, the desired unit in the right column, and enter a value in the left column to generate the resulting conversion. Historically, many different systems of units have been used, where a system of units is defined as a collection of units of measurement with rules that relate them to each other. A unit of measurement is a defined magnitude of a quantity that it used as a standard for measurement for the same kind of quantity, such as measurements of length, weight, and volume.Features include:- More than 2000+ units of measurements in 75+ Unit categories and has all Engineering converter and Converter plus features. - Adjustable precision and format of the result.- Built-in real-time Currency Converters and their latest exchange rates.- In Offline mode, an internet connection is only needed to update currencies.- Convert multiple units at once.- Calculator for expression input (e.g. (6+7)*40/3).- Supports both Metric and Imperial Units (UK and US).- INSTANT results while typing. No need to press that annoying "Calculate" button.- Simple to use with an easy Temperature Converter.Available unit conversions include:- Currency (US dollar, CDN dollar, pound, peso, etc)- Temperature (celsius, fahrenheit, kelvin, etc)- Length (kilometer, miles, meter, yard, feet, etc)- Mass/Weight (kilogram, pound, ounce, ton, stone, etc)- Speed (km/h, mph, knot, etc)- Area (square kilometer, square mile, hectare, acre, etc)- Cooking Volume (teaspoon, cup, pint, quart, ounce, etc)- Pressure (kilopascal, bar, PSI, etc)- Power (watt, kilowatt, horsepower, etc)- Energy (joule, calorie, BTU, etc)- Time (year, month, day, hour, second, etc)- Fuel Consumption (miles per gallon, liters per 100km, etc)- Digital Storage (bit, byte, megabytes, gigabytes, etc)Thank You